

Released on November 23, 2016, Moana is a captivating animated musical adventure produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. Directed by Ron Clements and John Musker, the film is a perfect blend of breathtaking visuals, heartwarming storytelling, and unforgettable music. Set in the Polynesian islands, Moana follows the journey of a young girl destined to save her people while discovering her own identity. With its vibrant animation and culturally rich narrative, Moana has become a modern classic, resonating with audiences of all ages. Let’s dive into what makes this movie an unforgettable cinematic experience.

2. Plot Summary

Moana tells the story of a spirited teenager who embarks on a daring journey to save her island from an ecological disaster. Chosen by the ocean itself, Moana sets sail across the vast Pacific to find Maui, a demigod whose actions inadvertently caused the calamity. Together, they navigate treacherous waters, battle mythical creatures, and learn to embrace their destinies. The film masterfully intertwines themes of self-discovery, courage, and the importance of heritage, making it a tale as timeless as the ocean it portrays.

3. What’s Good?

Stunning Animation

Disney’s animation team outdid themselves with Moana. The film’s visuals are a feast for the eyes, from the shimmering ocean waves to the lush, tropical landscapes. Each frame is meticulously detailed, bringing the Polynesian world to life with vibrant colors and realistic textures.

Memorable Characters

Moana, voiced by Auli’i Cravalho, is a standout protagonist. Her determination and vulnerability make her relatable and inspiring. Dwayne Johnson as Maui delivers a charismatic and humorous performance, creating a perfect foil to Moana’s earnestness. Even the supporting characters, like the adorable pig Pua and the hilariously dimwitted chicken Heihei, add charm to the narrative.

Exceptional Music

The film’s soundtrack, featuring songs by Lin-Manuel Miranda, Opetaia Foa’i, and Mark Mancina, is a highlight. Tracks like How Far I’ll Go and You’re Welcome are not only catchy but also integral to the story, conveying the characters’ emotions and motivations beautifully.

Cultural Representation

Moana stands out for its respectful and authentic portrayal of Polynesian culture. The filmmakers worked closely with cultural advisors to ensure accuracy, from the character designs to the traditional songs and dances.

4. Strengths and Weaknesses


  • Empowering Storyline: The narrative is empowering, especially for young viewers, as it emphasizes self-belief and perseverance.
  • Visuals and Music: The combination of stunning animation and a stellar soundtrack creates a deeply immersive experience.
  • Humor and Heart: The film balances humor and heartfelt moments seamlessly, appealing to both children and adults.


  • Predictable Plot: While the story is engaging, it follows a familiar Disney formula, making some plot points predictable.
  • Underutilized Villain: The main antagonist, Te Kā, doesn’t get enough screen time to feel fully developed, which slightly diminishes the stakes.
  • Side Characters: While charming, some side characters could have been given more depth to enhance their contribution to the story.

5. Target Audience

Moana is a family-friendly film that appeals to viewers of all ages. Children will love the vibrant visuals, catchy songs, and humorous moments, while adults will appreciate the deeper themes of identity and resilience. Fans of animated adventures and musicals, as well as those interested in cultural tales, will find Moana particularly enjoyable. It’s a movie that’s perfect for a family movie night or anyone seeking an uplifting and visually stunning story.

6. Box Office Details


The production budget for Moana was approximately $150 million (around INR 1,200 crores).

Worldwide Collection

The film was a box office success, grossing over $682 million (around INR 5,450 crores) worldwide during its theatrical run.

Day-Wise Earnings (First 5 Days)

  • Day 1 (Wednesday): $15.5 million (INR 124 crores)
  • Day 2 (Thursday): $11.5 million (INR 92 crores)
  • Day 3 (Friday): $21.8 million (INR 174 crores)
  • Day 4 (Saturday): $24.2 million (INR 193 crores)
  • Day 5 (Sunday): $25.5 million (INR 204 crores)

The film’s strong opening weekend and positive word-of-mouth propelled its impressive box office performance, solidifying its status as a beloved Disney classic.

7. Recommendation

Moana is a visually stunning and emotionally resonant film that celebrates courage, self-discovery, and cultural heritage. With its memorable characters, exceptional music, and heartfelt story, it’s a movie that leaves a lasting impression. Highly recommended for families, animation enthusiasts, and anyone looking for an inspiring adventure!


Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy




Catherine Laga’AiaMoana
Dwayne JohnsonMaui
Rena OwenGramma Tala
John TuiChief Tui
Frankie AdamsSina

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About the Author: Rampukar

Rampukar is a seasoned and dedicated movie reviewer with a deep passion for cinema. He holds a degree in Mass Communication from Polygon College, Kathmandu, where he gained a strong foundation in film theory and media studies. With years of experience analyzing and critiquing movies, Rampukar brings a thoughtful and insightful perspective to his reviews.

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