

“Spider-Man” is a timeless superhero film that swung into theaters on May 3, 2002. Directed by Sam Raimi, this action-adventure movie redefined the superhero genre with its groundbreaking visuals and relatable protagonist. The movie follows the journey of Peter Parker, a high school student who transforms into the web-slinging hero after a life-changing accident. With a blend of thrilling action and heartfelt moments, “Spider-Man” appeals to audiences of all ages and remains a cinematic classic.

Plot Summary

“Spider-Man” introduces us to Peter Parker, a shy and intelligent teenager living in New York City. After being bitten by a genetically engineered spider, Peter gains extraordinary powers, including superhuman strength, agility, and the ability to cling to walls. As he learns to navigate his new abilities, he must also confront personal loss and responsibility. The story takes a dramatic turn as Peter faces off against the menacing Green Goblin, a villain who threatens the safety of the city and those Peter holds dear. The film beautifully balances Peter’s internal struggles and his journey to becoming a hero.

What’s Good?

1. Stellar Performances: Tobey Maguire delivers an iconic portrayal of Peter Parker, capturing both his vulnerability and determination. Willem Dafoe shines as Norman Osborn/Green Goblin, blending menace and complexity into his character. Kirsten Dunst’s portrayal of Mary Jane Watson adds depth to the story, making her more than just a love interest.

2. Direction and Storytelling: Sam Raimi’s direction masterfully combines action, emotion, and humor. The pacing ensures the audience stays engaged from start to finish, with each scene contributing to Peter’s evolution.

3. Visual Effects: The groundbreaking CGI brings Spider-Man’s acrobatics to life, making his web-swinging scenes a cinematic spectacle. The film’s action sequences are thrilling and remain impressive even by today’s standards.

4. Music: Danny Elfman’s score enhances the film’s emotional and dramatic moments, adding a heroic tone that resonates long after the credits roll.

5. Relatable Themes: The movie explores universal themes like responsibility, sacrifice, and the challenges of growing up, making Peter’s journey relatable to a wide audience.

Strengths and Weaknesses


  1. Character Development: Peter’s transformation from a timid teenager to a confident hero is compelling and believable.
  2. Villain Complexity: Norman Osborn is not just a typical antagonist; his duality as a businessman and the Green Goblin adds layers to the conflict.
  3. Cinematic Impact: The film set a new benchmark for superhero movies with its innovative visuals and storytelling.


  1. Predictable Plot Points: Some moments, especially related to the hero’s journey, follow a formulaic approach.
  2. Dated Visuals: While revolutionary at the time, some CGI effects appear less polished compared to modern standards.
  3. Supporting Characters: A few secondary roles, like Peter’s classmates, lack depth and development.

Target Audience

“Spider-Man” caters to a wide audience. Families will enjoy its wholesome storytelling, while action lovers will appreciate its dynamic fight sequences. Fans of the comic book genre will find this adaptation faithful and engaging. The film’s themes of responsibility and personal growth also resonate with teenagers and young adults.

Box Office Details

Budget: The movie was made on a substantial budget of approximately INR 1,500 crore (USD 139 million).

Worldwide Box Office Collection: “Spider-Man” grossed a staggering INR 6,700 crore (USD 825 million) worldwide, becoming a blockbuster hit and solidifying its place in superhero cinema history.

Day-Wise Earnings (First 5 Days):

  • Day 1 (India): INR 20 crore
  • Day 1 (Overseas): INR 500 crore
  • Day 2 (India): INR 25 crore
  • Day 2 (Overseas): INR 400 crore
  • Day 3 (India): INR 30 crore
  • Day 3 (Overseas): INR 350 crore
  • Day 4 (India): INR 18 crore
  • Day 4 (Overseas): INR 300 crore
  • Day 5 (India): INR 15 crore
  • Day 5 (Overseas): INR 250 crore

The film’s financial success demonstrated the global appeal of the Spider-Man character and the superhero genre as a whole.


“Spider-Man” is a thrilling, heartfelt, and visually stunning film that redefined superhero cinema. Its engaging narrative and strong performances make it a must-watch for fans of all ages. Whether you’re revisiting it or watching for the first time, this classic deserves a spot on your movie list.


Action, Science Fiction




Tobey MaguireSpider-Man / Peter Parker
Willem DafoeGreen Goblin / Norman Osborn
Kirsten DunstMary Jane Watson
James FrancoHarry Osborn
Cliff RobertsonBen Parker
Rosemary HarrisMay Parker
J.K. SimmonsJ. Jonah Jameson
Joe ManganielloFlash Thompson
Gerry BeckerMaximilian Fargas
Bill NunnJoseph ‘Robbie’ Robertson
Jack BettsHenry Balkan
Stanley AndersonGeneral Slocum
Ron PerkinsDr. Mendel Stromm
Michael PapajohnCarjacker
K.K. DoddsSimkins
Ted RaimiHoffman
Bruce CampbellRing Announcer
Elizabeth BanksMiss Brant
John PaxtonHouseman
Tim DeZarnPhilip Watson
Taylor GilbertMadeline Watson
Randy PoffoBone Saw McGraw
Larry JoshuaWrestling Promoter
Timothy Patrick QuillWrestling Arena Guard
Lisa DanielleBone-ette
Natalie T. YeoBone-ette
Erica D. PorterBone-ette
Kristen DavidsonBone-ette
Jason PadgettFlash’s Crony
Shan Omar HueyTeacher
Sally LeviGirl on Bus
Evan ArnoldDoctor
Jill SayreNurse
Jim WardProject Coordinator
David HolcombTest Pilot
Octavia SpencerCheck-In Girl
Brad GrunbergHeckler
Shane HabberstadLittle Billy
Deborah WakehamBilly’s Mom
Rachael BruceTimes Square Child
Mackenzie BryceTimes Square Child
Julia BarrieTimes Square Child
Macy GrayMacy Gray
Myk WatfordCop at Fire
Bill CalvertFireman
Sylva KelegianMother at Fire
Kristen Marie HollyYoung Lady at Fire
Ajay MehtaCabbie
Peter AppelCabbie
Scott SpiegelMarine Cop
Matt SmithCop at Carjacking
Sara RamirezCop at Carjacking
Lucy LawlessPunk Rock Girl
Jayce BartokSubway Guitarist
Maribel GonzálezLady Dogwalker
Amy BourilOffice Lady
Joseph D’OnofrioOpinionated Cop
Jim NortonSurly Truck Driver
Corey Mendell ParkerChaperone in Tram
Ashley EdnerGirl in Tram
William Joseph FirthBoy in Tram
Alex BlackBoy in Tram
Laura GrayTram Group Mother
Joe VirziNew Yorker on Bridge
Michael Edward ThomasNew Yorker on Bridge
Jeanie FoxNew Yorker on Bridge
Robert KermanTugboat Captain
Stan LeeMan in Fair (uncredited)
Una DamonLab Tour Guide (uncredited)
Rick AveryCop (uncredited)
Peter AylwardColonel (uncredited)
Jillian ClareCrying Girl in Tram (uncredited)
Chris CoppolaKyle (uncredited)
Jesse HeimanSpectator at School Fight (uncredited)
Leroy PattersonWorld Unity Festival Attendant (uncredited)
Benny UrquidezMugger (uncredited)
Scott L. SchwartzScreaming Wrestler (uncredited)
Jophery C. BrownChef (uncredited)
Brian J. WilliamsYoung Thug #2 (uncredited)
Mark De AlessandroCop (uncredited)
Tia Dionne HodgeUptown Woman (uncredited)
Loren JanesBoard of Directors Member (uncredited)
Andray JohnsonBalkan’s Aide (uncredited)
Martin PfefferkornThug on 8×10 (uncredited)
Tammi SuttonStreet Vendor (uncredited)
Lindsay ThompsonMary Jane’s Friend (uncredited)
Sean VallaBoat Light Man (uncredited)
Pete MacnamaraPentagon Officer (uncredited)
Al GotoCop (uncredited)
Joni AveryCop (uncredited)
Sam RaimiPopcorn Thrower (uncredited)
Craig ‘Radio Man’ CastaldoMan with Bike (uncredited)

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About the Author: Rampukar

Rampukar is a seasoned and dedicated movie reviewer with a deep passion for cinema. He holds a degree in Mass Communication from Polygon College, Kathmandu, where he gained a strong foundation in film theory and media studies. With years of experience analyzing and critiquing movies, Rampukar brings a thoughtful and insightful perspective to his reviews.

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